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Denitsa Marinova

Ms. Denitsa Marinova joined ARC Fund as Project Officer in 2005. Currently she is involved in several EU funded projects, including “An European Network to Support the Sustainable Surface Transport SMEs (Star-Net Transport)”, “Network of ICT experienced organizations, sharing experience, knowledge and supporting SMEs (NET-SHARE)”, “Research Infrastructures: Foresightand Impact (RIFI)” and Enterprise Europe Network in Bulgaria, part of the larges European network for business support of SMEs.

She also participated in past FP6 projects on  "Development of a Regional Innovation Strategy for the South West Region of Bulgaria (RIS BRIDGE SW BG)", „Healthy and Safe Food for the Future - A Technology Foresight Project in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia ( FutureFood6 )”, “Introducing Foresight in Research Infrastructures Policy Formulation (FOREINTEGRA-RI)” and “Getting SMEs from Candidate Countries to Increase Participation on IST Projects (GET-IN)” , as well as “Empowering civil society on GMOs and consumer protection” within the framework of the EU PHARE Civil Society Development Programme 2002.

Before joining ARC Fund Ms. Marinova worked as Project Officer at the AgroBioInstitute , Centre of Excellence in Plant Biotechnology and was primarily involved in the administration of international projects, and the set-up of the Bulgarian Biotechnology Information Center.

Ms. Marinova holds a Master degree in Molecular Biology from Sofia University. 

Contacts: denitsa.marinova(at)online(dot)bg

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