Publications | Articles/Papers

14.12.2003 - Benchmarking Indicators for R&D and Innovation Activities in the EU Member States (in Bulgarian)
In the transition period to a knowledge-based economy, R&D and innovation activities are the major source for economic growth and competitiveness enhancement in virtually every sector. This also increases the role of statistical indicators used to measure such activities.  more »

25.09.2003 - Regional Demand for Innovation in the South Central Region of Bulgaria: Analysis of Survey Results (in Bulgarian)
During the period February-September 2003 ARC Fund conducted an analysis of the regional demand for innovation in the South Central Region of Bulgaria under the project “Developing a Regional Innovation Strategy of South Central Region of Bulgaria”. This survey was a pilot initiative for Bulgaria as it studied in depth the innovation performance of SMEs and their needs for new technologies.  more »

17.09.2003 - e-Government Foresight: a Background Paper
This document was prepared within Work Package 4 of the ForeTech project with the aim to argument why the e-government domain had been chosen for foresight in Bulgaria, to fine-focus (find the key themes) the e-government foresight exercise as a follow up of two round table discussions with e-government stakeholders, and sum up the major e-government developments in the country.  more »

14.09.2003 - Biotechnology Foresight: a Background Paper
This document presents a critical survey on past developments and the present state of biotechnology in Bulgaria, with the aim of outlining the areas of most relevance for foresight activities.  more »

25.07.2003 - Innovation Policy of Sweden (in Bulgarian)
According to a study on the innovation potential of European countries for 2002 (European Innovation Scoreboard), Sweden takes the lead on such indicators as intellectual property rights in the field of high-technologies; opportunities for joint venture funding; business costs for research and development activities.  more »

15.07.2003 - Intellectual Property Rights and their Role for Business Development (in Bulgarian)
The Intellectual Property Rights, realized in the context of a market economy, are very important for the development of a modern society and for the creation of new and high-quality goods and services. The role of IPR is to encourage research and development activities, support the dissemination of new ideas and protect the constructive efforts.  more »

17.03.2003 - Innovation Policies of Ireland (in Bulgarian)
During the last years the Irish economy is developing very fast. For the period 1993-2001 the average annual GDP growth and the employment rates have been respectively 8,3% and 4,7%.  more »

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Master of Science in Information Systems