In Focus - Archive

» Seventeenth National Innovation Forum: Economic Resilience through Innovations, On 7 December 2021 the Applied Research and Communications Fund held the seventeenth edition of the National Innovation Forum Building Innovation Recovery and Resilience and the award ceremony of the Innovative Enterprise of the Year national contest.

The President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev presented honorary awards to 9 more innovative Bulgarian companies. The forum was organised by the ARC Fund, ARC Consulting, Joint Innovation Centre of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, with the support of the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Executive Agency and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

At the Innovative Enterprise of the Year national contest, for the first time the honorary statuette was awarded to two companies in the same category – Cupffee Ltd and Orenda Group Ltd.

» Seventeenth National Contest Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2021,
, The national contest Innovative Enterprise of the Year is organised by the Applied Research and Communications Fund, ARC Consulting, Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, с подкрепата на Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Sofia Tech Park.It was conducted in partnership with the following media outlets: the Bulgarian National Television through its telecast Innovative, the Bulgarian National Radio – Radio Sofia, Economy magazine, Digitalk,, Bulgarian Science magazine,,, the portal of the Bulgarian industry, and Trending

» 2021, As in its previous editions, 2021 analyses the state and opportunities for development of the national innovation system on the basis of five groups of indicators:
• gross innovation product;
• entrepreneurship and innovation networks;
• investment and financing of innovation;
• human capital for innovation;
• information and communication technologies.

» SEVENTEENTH NATIONAL INNOVATION FORUM, The forum will focus on the challenges and opportunities for Bulgaria on the path to innovation-based recovery and resilience. ARC Fund will present the key findings and policy recommendations of the report 2021, which reviews the current performance of the national innovation ecosystem.

During the forum, the winners of the National Competition "Innovative Enterprise of the Year" 2021 will be awarded.

The National Innovation Forum is the premier platform for exchange of ideas and cooperation between the government, the business community and research organisations. It aims to enhance the competitiveness of Bulgarian companies and boost the innovation potential of the economy by promoting the introduction of new products and technologies and facilitating business contacts with European partners.

» National Contest "Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2021" has launched its application campaign for Bulgarian innovative companies, The National Contest "Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2021" has launched its candidate recruitment campaign. The initiative is traditionally looking for Bulgarian start-up and established enterprises that have successfully developed and implemented innovations in its production, management practices and provision of services.

Application process is entirely online until 10 October 2021, 23:45 on the platform.

The Contest "Innovative Enterprise of the Year" is traditionally held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

In addition to the awards provided in 8 categories, the finalists in the contest also receive the right to use the "Excellence in Innovation" brand of the Applied Research and Communications Fund.

In this year's edition, the Sofia Tech Park will support the winner in the "Innovative start-up enterprise" category with a special package of services and consultations targeted entirely to the start-up business needs.

The National Contest "Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2021" is organized by the Applied Research and Communications Fund, ARC Consulting and Enterprise Europe Network - Bulgaria, with the support of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission and Sofia Tech Park.

» Promoting Constructive Capital in Bulgaria, Bulgaria, the country with the lowest GDP per capita in the European Union (EU), faces a number of protracted socio-economic challenges. The EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) provides the country with the largest ever public funding instrument to address these challenges up to 2027. However, to achieve lasting change the Bulgarian government needs to leverage the EU funding resources to attract constructive capital from the private sector, i.e. investments that are transparent, accountable, and market-oriented.

» Promoting Constructive Capital in Bulgaria, On September 28, 2021, within a policy forum with the participation of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Applied Research and Communications Fund, the Enterprise Europe Network-Bulgaria and the Center for the Study of Democracy presented an Action Agenda for promoting constructive capital in Bulgaria. The forum was part of the Bulgarian presidency of the Three Seas Initiative. It was supported and carried out in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise in Washington D.C.

» CityZen online Impact Workshop on Urban farming policy implications in the current economic system, business models and supply chains, 21-22 Jan 2021,

The first CityZen Impact Workshop 'Urban farming policy implications in the current economic system, business models and supply chains' will be held online on January 21st (9.45 am - 1 pm) and January 22nd (10am - 1pm), 2021. 

On the first day, three external experts will give impulse presentations on urban farming, business models and technology and innovation:

» 2020, The leading theme of 2020 is the strategic framework of the European Commission for the programming period 2021 – 2027 with its priorities and measures for a more innovative and green European economy. The report focuses on the policy of the Bulgarian government for supporting competitive business in the context of growing challenges on the global stage.

» Sixteenth National Innovation Forum: Economic Resilience through Innovations, The Applied Research and Communications Fund, ARC Consulting, and Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, with the support of Directorate-General GROW, the Executive Agency for SMEs at the European Commission, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Joint Innovation Centre of the BAS, and in media partnership with Economy magazine,, Computer world Bulgaria,, magazine,, the Bulgarian National Radio – Radio Sofia and the portal, organised the Sixteenth National Innovation Forum "Economic Resilience through Innovations".

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