In Focus - Archive

» Company mission for ICT copmanies, 11-12 December 2008, Patra, Greece, Enterprise Europe Network-Bulgaria in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network-Greece, organized a company mission in the ICT field on 11th and 12th December 2008 in Patra, Greece.

» Teenagers’ Actions and Interactions Online in Central and Eastern Europe, In December 2008 a book on trends in Internet use by teenagers in Central and Eastern Europe, Bulgaria included, was published. The book "Teenagers’ Actions and Interactions Online in Central and Eastern Europe. Potentials and Empowerment, Risks and Victimization" is the result of an international conference in Cluj-Napoca, Rumania initiated by the Babes-Bolyai University.

» Fifth National Contest for Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2008, Applied Research and Communications Fund, Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria jointly with the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the World Bank office in Bulgaria and the kind support of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency organize for the fifth time a National Contest for Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2008. The Contest acknowledges Bulgarian enterprises that have successfully introduced innovations or scientific accomplishments, thus transforming their operation mode and achieving sustainable economic effect.

» The national campaign "Children Safe in Internet" goes to Pleven and Plovdiv, On November 12 and 20, round tables on safer Internet for children were organised in the cities of Pleven and Plovdiv under the auspicies of the local municipalities. The public discussions are in the framework of the national campaign "Children Safe in Internet" co-organised for the second year in a row by the Bulgarian Safer Internet Combined Node and Microsoft-Bulgaria.

» Cyber-festival for school children in Sofia, On 4 November 2008 a 5-day computer festival for school children opened officially in the framework of the annual BAIT EXPO exhibition of information technologies. The event was organized by the Bulgarian INSAFE awareness node and Sofia Municipality with the cooperation of the Bulgarian Association for Information Technologies (BAIT), the State Agency for Child Protection, non-governmental organizations, Microsoft-Bulgaria and other IT companies.

» Seminar on "How not to be infringer and how to act in case of infringement of our IP rights" organised on 4thNovember 2008, Sofia, The Bulgarian Patent Office in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network - Bulgaria, coordinated by ARC fund, organised a seminar on "How not to be infringer and how to act in case of infringement of our IP rights" on 4th November 2008, in Sofia.

» ARC Fund launches a new project for technology transfer in the tourism sector, The TOUREG project (Research Driven Cluster for Tourist Sector Competitiveness and Knowledge) commenced in January 2008 involving partners from Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Sweden.

» Advancing Innovation in ECA 2008: Role of Business Incubators in Innovation Development in Small and Medium Sized Towns and Rural Areas, 09 – 11 October 2008, Tambov, Russian Federation ,

Advancing Innovation in ECA is the annual conference of ECAbit network (Eastern European and Central Asian Business Incubators and Technology Parks Networks). ARC Fund serves as coordination office for the ECAbit.

Economic growth and social wealth in the Eastern European and Central Asian region increasingly depends on the ability to foster economic and social development and innovation in small and medium sized towns and rural areas. Small and medium sized towns become increasingly interesting for investors and innovative entrepreneurs. Business incubators and other business development instruments together with the government play a key role in this process. Sharing international experiences about innovation development in small and medium sized towns is the objective of this international conference.

» Building Technology Partnerships for Sustainable Business At Eco-Tech Scandinavia, 7-8 October 2008, Göteborg, Sweden , Eco-Tech Scandinavia - is an international meeting place for eco-tech business. It will be one of the most important events within the environmental sector in Scandinavia 2008, featuring innovations, new trends, technologies, products. Scandinavia’s growing export of environmental technology and its clean environment makes Göteborg a natural choice for ECO-matchmaking.

» International Technology Brokerage Event during the Autumn International Technical Trade Fair – Plovdiv, 02 -03 October 2008 , Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria (EEN), the largest European network supporting small and medium enterprises unites the activities of the Euro Info Centers and the Innovation Centre in Bulgaria, organised an International Technology Brokerage Event in the sphere of energy efficiency, focusing on alternative energy, environment and machinery in cooperation with partners form EEN in Greece, Romania, Italy, Germany and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. The event took place on 2nd and 3rd October 2008 in Plovdiv, during the International trade fair.

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Master of Science in Information Systems