Presentation of the book Innovation and Research in Bulgaria on the Eve of EU Accession: Lessons from Peer Country – Austria
On 21 September 2007 ARC Fund jointly with the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) in Sofia and the Society for Research Promotion, Vienna (Geselschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung - GFF) organized a presentation of the book Innovation and Research in Bulgaria on the Eve of EU Accession: Lessons from Peer Country – Austria. The book examines the possibilities for peer learning and cooperation between Austria and Bulgaria in particular in the EU’s Seventh Research Framework Programme. It presents the Bulgarian Innovation System, the current policies for financing research, and Bulgaria’s participation as an important partner in the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme.

Dr. Karl Blecha, Chairman of the Austrian-Bulgarian Friendship Association and the Society for Research Promotion, Vienna and Mr. Martin Felix Gajdusek, Director of ASO Sofia underlined the importance of the book as a discussion tool for furthering international cooperation in research. The book presents a comprehensive methodology for evaluation of Bulgaria's participation in EU's framework programs for research and supplies information on the most important areas of cooperation in research between Bulgaria and other EU member states. It concludes with recommendations to public policy in Bulgaria and in Europe on stimulating research cooperation in the European Research Area.

Presentation of the book (MS Power Point, 997 KB)
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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems