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Information day for promoting the ombudsman institution in the city of Hissar
An information day promoting the ombudsman institution on local level took place on October 9, 2003, in the city of Hissar. The event was organized by the Center for the Study of Democracy jointly with the Bulgarian Association for Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, Plovdiv and was attended by representatives of the municipality of Hissar and the local administration, including the Municipal Secretary, mayor candidates, citizens, journalists, NGOs representatives.

Ms. Zoia Gerassimova, Chair of the Bulgarian Association for Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution, Plovdiv, presented the mediation and underlined that in many cases it is a quicker and more efficient alternative dispute resolution tool.

Ms. Tanya Milanova, Coordinator of the project Center for Family and Labour Mediation, presented the activity of the Center since the beginning of its work in May, 2003.

The Public Mediator of Sofia Municipality Ms. Antoaneta Tzoneva delivered a lecture on the main problems and difficulties in the relations between the individuals and administration, such as the quality of the administrative service, bureaucracy obstacles, corruption in the local administration and the departments of central administration.

Mr. Svetoslav Georgiev, Expert at the Office of the Sofia Municipality Public Mediator, presented the legislation regarding the ombudsman institution on national and local level in Bulgaria and underlined the necessity of significant amendments, including the incorporation of relevant provisions in the Constitution.

In the following discussion many questions connected with the possibilities of establishing the ombudsman institution were asked, especially regarding the independence of the ombudsman, the financing of the institution, its powers and functions, practical aspects of the activity of the ombudsman, etc.

Agenda of the information day
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