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RIS BRIDGE Scenario Workshop for identifying the long-term goal of the Regional Innovation Strategy for the South West region
ARC Fund, together with the Center for the Study of Democracy, organized a Scenario Workshop for identifying the long-term goal of the Regional Innovation Strategy for the South West planning region and for discussing concrete measures to be incorporated in the Action Plan for the strategy’s implementation. The event took place in Borovets on 11-12 October 2007 and was carried out within the frame of the RIS BRIDGE initiative for building regional capacity to work with the financial instruments of the European Cohesion and Structural Funds.

The RIS strategic goal of the South West region was defined by applying foresight methods for outlining alternative visions for the future development of the region in the field of innovations. By reaching consensus the regional stakeholders arrived at the most desired future of the region with a set of concrete measures for its realization.

The event’s agenda featured talks of the RIS BRIDGE foreign partners which shared their experience in foresight and development of regional innovation strategies within the FOR-RIS initiative.

Presentations and additional information:

Agenda (PDF)

Regional Foresight – West Midlands, UK, (PDF, 500 KB)

Technological Foresight in Central Macedonia, Yiannis Bakouros, University of Western Macedonia, Greece (PDF, 2,3 MB)

Using foresight techniques in the implementation of innovation policies, Yiannis Bakouros, University of Western Macedonia, Greece (PDF, 1,87 MB)

Combining Regional Innovation Strategy and Foresight: Experiences with the FOR-RIS approach, (PDF, 350 KB)

SWOT analysis of the regional innovation system of the South West region of planning, Ruslan Stefanov, Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria (in Bulgarian only, PDF, 500 KB)

FOR-RIS Blueprint, (PDF, 580 KB)


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