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[ 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1999 | 1998 ]
Country fiches on availability and accessibility of data on prisons
The country fiches on availability and accessibility of data offer an overview of the prison-related data collection in Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, Lithuania and Spain. Each report presents the institutions responsible for collecting statistics on prisons, what data is collected and by what categories the information is disaggregated, how regularly the collected information is updated, are there any restrictions concerning the access to data, etc. more »
Assisting and reintegrating child victims of trafficking in Bulgaria: legal, institutional and policy framework
The report explores the legal, institutional and policy framework of countering child trafficking in Bulgaria and assisting and reintegrating its victims. It looks at Bulgarian criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as other legal norms, relevant to the subject, and the extent to which they comply with international standards. The study presents the different stages of referral victims go through, the various institutions and organisations, involved in the process, and the policies and initiatives they pursue in improving child victims’ situation. A number of recommendations are put forward in terms of possible legislative amendments, strengthening policy framework and furthering capacity building of institutions, entrusted with combating child trafficking. more »
The Healthcare Ombudsman – Best Practices and Prospects for Bulgaria
This edition is devoted to different aspects of the institution of the specialised healthcare ombudsman and the possibilities for its introduction in Bulgaria. The publication contains an overview of the good practices and the experience in the United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland and Israel. The edition includes also a detailed summary of a discussion in relation with two draft laws concerning the institution of the health ombudsman and the comments and the recommendations on them of the experts of the Center for the Study of Democracy. more »
Ombudsman Institution in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian only)
The handbook presents a summarized overview of the process of establishment and development of the ombudsman institution on national and local level in Bulgaria (1998-2005). It offers comments and analysis of the legal framework as well as comprehensive information on the election of the first Bulgarian ombudsman and the activities of the local public mediators before and after their operation has been regulated in the legislation. more »
CSD Brief No 6: First Steps of the Bulgarian Ombudsman
The sixth policy brief, once again dedicated to the process of establishment of the ombudsman institution, focuses on the successful election of Bulgaria’s first parliamentary ombudsman and the initial stages since the institution’s kickoff. more »
Ombudsman Institution in Europe and Bulgaria: Legal Nature and Practice (in Bulgarian only)
This educational manual is designed for the elaboration and carrying out of specialized courses and programs in Bulgarian universities and schools as well as for everyone who is interested in these scope of issues. more »
CSD Brief No 5: The Long Way of the Emerging Ombudsman Institution in Bulgaria: Six Months Later
The fifth consecutive issue of the CSD Brief is a follow-up of the CSD Policy Brief No. 3 of May 2004 and examines the recent developments in the introduction of the ombudsman institution on national and local level in Bulgaria. The brief presents the significant progress in the establishment of the local public mediators (municipal ombudsmen) throughout the country in contrast with the second failed attempt of the parliament to elect the national ombudsman. more »
Local Public Mediators in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian only)
The brochure summarizes the accumulated experience and the good practices of the ombudsman type institutions on local level that have functioned under pilot projects in the period 1998 – 2003. It also presents the first steps in the process of establishing such institutions after their legislative regulation, namely the adoption in 2003 of Article 21a of the Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration, which entitles municipal councils to elect local public mediators for promoting and protecting the civil rights and lawful interests of citizens before the local authorities. more »
CSD Brief No 3: The Long Way of the Emerging Ombudsman Institution in Bulgaria
The third consecutive issue of the CSD Brief focuses on the recent developments with the establishment of the ombudsman institution in Bulgaria and in particular the failed election of the first Bulgarian ombudsman. The document outlines several reasons for the unsuccessful election the most important of them being the flaws in the existing legislation, the absence of politcal will for reaching a consensus during the nomination and election procedure as well as the lack of transparency and publicity, which prevented the active participation of the civil society. more »
Gender Equality and Ombudsman Institution (in Bulgarian only)
The handbook presents the mechanisms for protecting women's rights and the ombudsman institution in Bulgaria and Europe and offers an updated review of both the common and the specific characteristics of the experience of the European countries. The publication includes useful information about women's networks and centers in Bulgaria, useful web sites and international events in the field of women's rights protection. more »

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