CSD>> Publications



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Media Note: Why Electricity Bills in Bulgaria Spoiled the Party
The so-called “green” premium - a market entry subsidy for renewable energy sources - was used as a convenient explanation for recent increases to the electricity bills in 2012. more »
Press Release: Surveying how European workplaces have managed in the economic downturn
This week Eurofound launches the field work of the third edition of European Company Survey across 32 countries. The sociological and marketing arm of the Center for the Study of Democracy - Vitosha Research will conduct the survey in Bulgaria. more »
CSD Brief No. 37: The Hidden Economy in Bulgaria: 2011 – 2012
The deep penetration of hidden economic activities in Greece and other peripheral Eurozone members – a development which is at the epicenter of the continuing Eurozone debt crisis, has demonstrated that accurate understanding of the dynamics of the hidden economy is essential for improving public and private sector management. more »
Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline: Challenges and Prospects for the Black Sea countries and the Balkans
This publication is a compilation of the papers, presented by the twenty-nine experts from twelve countries, who participated in the “Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline: Challenges and Prospects for the Black Sea countries and the Balkans” conference, held on 28-29 September 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey. more »
Assisting and reintegrating child victims of trafficking in Bulgaria: legal, institutional and policy framework
The report explores the legal, institutional and policy framework of countering child trafficking in Bulgaria and assisting and reintegrating its victims. It looks at Bulgarian criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as other legal norms, relevant to the subject, and the extent to which they comply with international standards. The study presents the different stages of referral victims go through, the various institutions and organisations, involved in the process, and the policies and initiatives they pursue in improving child victims’ situation. A number of recommendations are put forward in terms of possible legislative amendments, strengthening policy framework and furthering capacity building of institutions, entrusted with combating child trafficking. more »
Innovation.bg 2012
For more than a decade the annual Innovation.bg report has provided a reliable assessment of the innovation potential of the Bulgarian economy and the state and development capacity of the Bulgarian innovation system. more »
Right of Defence and the Principle of Equality of Arms in the Criminal Procedure in Bulgaria
The publication analyses the regulation of the right of defence in Bulgaria and explores the principle of equality of the parties in the pre-trial phase. For the purposes of the study the authors present the system of judicial and investigative bodies as well as the most important characteristics of the criminal proceedings, in particular of the pre-trial proceedings. The study discusses the rights of the defence counsels and their procedural role and outlines a number of problems that attorneys face in defending their clients during the criminal proceedings. more »
The Level of Transparency of Oil and Gas Transit Operations through Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkey and Ukrainе
The report assesses the level of transparency in the transit of hydrocarbons and the outstanding issues with the access to information related to the transit of oil and gas in Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia and Ukraine. more »
CSD Brief No 36: Educational integration of refugee and asylum-seeking children: the situation of Bulgaria and the experience of other European countries
This analysis represents the results of a specialised study of the educational integration of refugee and asylum-seeking children (RASC) in the Member States of the European Union, conducted in 2011 by the Center for the Study of Democracy within the framework on the INTEGRACE project. With regard to Bulgaria, the main approaches, mechanisms and deficiencies in the system for educational integration of RASC were presented and recommendations for its improvement were given. more »
CSD Brief No 35: Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Bulgaria (2011-2012)
The data on the dynamics of corruption used in the current report are the result of the Corruption Monitoring System (CMS), designed and developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and Vitosha Research. CMS combines significant research and powerful anticorruption advocacy potential. more »

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