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ARC Fund launches new project - QUALITYMEAT

The new project QUALITYMEAT officially started in May 2004 under the FP6, priority 5th “Food Quality and Safety”. The project's duration is 24 months and its mission is to implement a survey on the research landscape in the associated candidate countries for monitoring and promoting good quality meat production – the whole food chain from farm to fork of poultry and pork meat.

The global objective of QUALITYMEAT project is to support researchers from Candidate Counties to prepare and submit projects through: screening activities research establishments active in the project’s field, collecting contact details and creating a database of researches and research organisations. The special focus will be on involving representatives of SMEs working in the sector. The project development will contribute to its objectives through the establishment of a more concentrate collaboration between research and enterprises from Associate Candidate Counties and Member States. Important priority will be the SMEs at the sector.

The specific objectives are:
- To create of a database of researchers and research centres working in the specific field in the candidate countries;
- To implement an on-line search mechanism with supporting database;
- To organise a series of Info Days combined with conferences on meat safety and quality and promotion of research potential in candidate countries;
- To organise an International Brokerage event “Meat Safety” to: present selected best research centres; provide opportunities for presenting projects ideas, meetings and discussions between industry and researches;
- To diffuse the results of projects financed in past Framework Programmes on the identified topic “safety of poultry and pig meat”
Mapping and profiling potential partners from Candidate Counties will provide instruments in order to foster the integration of potential partners from Candidate Countries. Work undertaken in this project will give support for Associate Candidate Countries researchers by utilizing project web page, partner search mechanism, advising and consulting, screening on projects and new possibilities of personal contacts and best information during the Info Days and Brokerage Event.

The partners of the project are:
- Institute of Fundamental Technological research, Polish Academy of Science –National Contact point (NCP)
- National Veterinary Research Institute – Poland (NVRI)
- Hungarian Science Technology Foundation – Hungary (HSTF)
- The Business and Innovation Centre – Slovakia (BIC)
- RTD Talos – Cyprus
- Agenzia per la Promozione della Reciera Europea - Italy(APRE)
- Centuria RIT – Italy
- Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation – Austria (BIT)
- Euroquality – France
- ARC Fund - Bulgaria
- Mondo Consulting & Training – Romania (Mondo)

Quality Meat project
Parnter search
Researcher profile form (doc, 113KB)

For additional information on the project:
Mr. Angel Milev
Ms. Teodora Georgieva
tel.: (02) 986 7557, or fax: (02) 980 1833

Partner search mechanism for building consortia in the “Food Quality and Safety” thematic priority of FP6 is now available on-line


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