Institutions and Programs

Bulgarian institutions and organizations in the field of IS and IST

Ministry of Transport -

State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications -

Ministry of Education and Science -

Ministry of Culture -

Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO-BG) -

The Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO) was established in 2001 with the mission to support the development of an information society in Bulgaria by raising IT awareness amongst the general public, in industry, public administration, NGOs and academic institutions, and by creating incentives to the spread of innovative business practices and IT applications among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It operates as a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Transport and Communications and ARC Fund.

Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria (IRC – Bulgaria) -

Since January 1997, IRC - Bulgaria (successor of FEMIRC - Bulgaria) is part of a Europe-wide network of 71 Innovation Relay Centres (IRC Network) in the EU Member States, Bulgaria, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey and Chille. The main goal of the IRC Network is to promote the spirit of innovation across Europe, and to improve the competitiveness of European industry through innovation.

Applied Research and Communications Fund (ARC Fund)  -

Applied Research and Communications Fund (ARC Fund) is a private non-profit organization established in Sofia in 1991. Today it is one of the leading Bulgarian non-government organizations (NGOs) working to advance the development of a modern knowledge-based society that harnesses the power of information technologies and innovations.

Public Computer and Communication Centers Project (PC3) -

The Public Computer and Communications Centers (PC3) Association was launched in June, 2002, as a follow up of the USAID supported Pubic Computer and Communications Center (PC3) Project. The PC3 Project was implemented in Bulgaria from September, 2000, till May, 2002 by the Academy for Educational Development (AED). This pilot project supported the creation of PC3 centers (telecenters) in ten small underserved Bulgarian towns. The PC3 centers offer public access to Information and Communication Technologies products, services and related training and facilitate the economic and social development of the local communities. One important objective of the Project was to help telecenters become sustainable and act as a catalyst for local spin-off business.

Bulgaria Development Gateway -

The Bulgaria Development Gateway (BgDG) is a civil society led initiative aimed at facilitating the country's transition into an information, or knowledge-based society by consolidating the national dialogue on ICT for development and promoting a common vision among the relevant stakeholders in government, business, civil society, academic and research communities, and international donor organizations. The project has been implemented with the support of by the Development Gateway Foundation (

European programs and initiatives

EU Information Society Portal Site -

eEurope Action Plan -

The eEurope 2005 Action Plan was launched at the Seville European Council in June 2002 and endorsed by the Council of Ministers in the eEurope Resolution of January 2003. It aims to develop modern public services and a dynamic environment for e-business through widespread availability of broadband access at competitive prices and a secure information infrastructure.

IST Programme -

European research activities are structured around consecutive four-year programmes, or so-called Framework Programmes. The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) sets out the priorities - including the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority - for the period 2002-2006. This site provides essential information for participating in the IST priority.

IDABC Initiative-

IDABC stands for Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens. It uses the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies to encourage and support the delivery of cross-border public sector services to citizens and enterprises in Europe, to improve efficiency and collaboration between European public administrations and to contribute to making Europe an attractive place to live, work and invest.


Following a vote by the European Parliament on 27 January 2005, the EU Council on 28 February reached political agreement on the eContentplus Programme, which aims to support the development of multi-lingual content for innovative, on-line services across the EU. The 4-year programme (2005-08), proposed by the European Commission in February 2004, will have a budget of Ђ 149 million to tackle the fragmentation of the European digital content market and improve the accessibility and usability of geographical information, cultural content and educational material.

eLearning Initiative -

The eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeks to mobilise the educational and cultural communities, as well as the economic and social players in Europe, in order to speed up changes in the education and training systems for Europe's move to a knowledge-based society.

MEDIA Plus Programme of the European Union -

The MEDIA Plus Programme (2001-2005) (3rd generation) entered into force in January 2001 and aims at strenghtening the competitiveness of the European audiovisual industry with a series support measures.

Safer Internet plus Programme -

The Safer Internet plus programme aims to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children, and to fight against illegal content and content unwanted by the end-user, as part of a coherent approach by the European Union.

Programme eTEN -

eTEN is the European Community Programme designed to help the deployment of telecommunication networks based services (e-services) with a trans-European dimension. It focuses strongly on public services, particularly in areas where Europe has a competitive advantage.

European competitions and Prizes

European IST Prize -

The 20 Nominees for the IST Grand Prize of the European Commission represent the best in European Information Society Technologies.

EuroPrix -

The EUROPRIX was started by the Austrian presidency in 1998 as a EU member states initiative, supported by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Information Society, governments of other countries in the European Union and private industry. It's main activity was the organisation of the pan- European Multimedia Content Award. The contest and related activities are organised by the contest office in Salzburg and its partner organisations in majors regions in Europe, in association with leading professional multimedia associations.

Other European Institutions and Programmes

The EU ENTERPRISE Programme Website -

This website is developed and managed by European Commission, Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry, and aims to disseminate information on all EU policies, actions and initiatives promoting growth and development, with a view to strengthening the competitiveness of EU enterprises.

European Commission for Standardization (CEN) -

Other foreign institutions and organizations implementing IS programes in Bulgaria

US Agency for International Development (USAID) -

Academy for Educational Development (AED) -

Founded in 1961, the Academy for Educational Development is an independent, nonprofit organization committed to solving critical social problems and building the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions to become more self-sufficient. AED works in all the major areas of human development, with a focus on improving education, health, and economic opportunities for the least advantaged in the United States and developing countries throughout the world.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) -

UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. World leaders have pledged to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of cutting poverty in half by 2015. UNDP's network links and coordinates global and national efforts to reach these Goals.

Information for Development Program (infoDev) -

The Information for Development Program (infoDev) works to promote better understanding, and effective use, of information and communication technologies (ICT) as tools of poverty reduction and broad-based, sustainable development. It is an innovative global partnership of international development agencies focused on how information and communication technologies (ICT) can help to combat poverty and promote opportunity, empowerment and economic growth in developing countries.  This partnership is coordinated and served by an expert Secretariat housed at the World Bank, one of infoDev's principal donors and founders.

Development Gateway -

The Development Gateway Foundation is an enabler of development. It helps improve people’s lives in developing countries by building partnerships and information systems that provide access to knowledge for development. It exploits powerful and affordable information and communication technologies (ICT) that were previously unavailable.

World Bank -

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems