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CSD became an associated member of the SEENCA
On November 23, 2005 the CSD became an associated member of the South East European Network on Control of Arms (SEENCA).

The South East European Network for the Control of Arms (SEENCA) is a network of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), CSOs and individuals, working across South Eastern Europe on the issue of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) control. A number of organizations from the SEE region in cooperation with Saferworld, UK-based non-governmental organisation, the Netherlands-based organisation Pax Christi as well as the South Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) established SEENCA in April 2002. SEENCA seeks to increase security and develop a safer environment through work on reducing the demand for and controlling the availability of SALW, and peace-building in cooperation with relevant governmental, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutions at the local, regional and international level.

During its annual meeting in November SEENCA adopted a resolution on an International Arms Transfer Treaty, addressed to the governments in SEE. CSD joined the resolution and submitted it to the Ministries of Economy, Defense and Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria.

SEENCA Resolution on the adoption of an International Arms Transfer Treaty
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