Preparation of phase two

It is of key significance to the overall project objectives that the momentum gathered during phase one is sustained through the second phase. To this end, preparatory efforts have already started. These include identification of additional partners –both public and private -  in the target countries, identification of appropriate awareness materials for regional use, consultations with international institutions concerned with the issues of anti-corruption in the region, as well as consultations with potential donors. The Center for the Study of Democracy  also started analytical efforts to identify regional “soft security” factors contributing to corruption in the region (eg trafficking in human beings and narcotics, commercial fraud, etc) as an additional contribution to the future development of a Regional Corruption Assessment Report (RCAR).

As the major challenge of the second phase will be the development and endorsement of the RCAR, it is paramount that networking effort started in phase one is expanded to include a wide range of public and private organizations from SEE as well as international organizations.

Purpose and premise
Project progress
Regional corruption assessment
Regional corruption monitoring system
Preparation of phase two