
» e-Municipality Report Out of Print, The e-Municipality Report 2005 has been released this week, as a jointly sponsored product of ARC Fund and the government’s Coordination Center on Information, Communication and Management Technologies (CCIT). The report is the second edition after a pilot study conducted in 2004 which assessed the online presence of Bulgarian municipalities and the extent to which they provide certain e-government services. The baseline study was sponsored by UNDP-Bulgaria.

» ARC Fund to implement a Safer Internet Hotline, As of August 1st, 2005 ARC Fund has officially started a project to establish a national hotline under the EU Safer Internet Program. The Internet hotline – abbreviated as SAFE-NET BG – will become member of the European network of hotlines supported by the European Commission. Hotlines allow members of the public to report illegal content on the Internet. The hotlines then deal with the reports by passing them on to the appropriate body.

» e-Bulgaria 2005 Report Release, ARC Fund has released its latest e-Bulgaria 2005 Report which analyzes the progress in ICT infrastructure deployment in the country, as well as the penetration and use of Internet and ICT-related services in Bulgarian households, enterprises, schools, universities and government institutions over this year. The report presents a wealth of empirical and qualitative data, synthetic indicators, trend analysis and projections, policy options and recommendations for the future development of information society in the country.

» “IST-BONUS” Services to Facilitate Participation in the EU Framework Programs, ARC Fund has joined an international IST-BONUS consortium supported by the European Commission (under the FP6 IST Program) which will support organizations from the new EU member states (NMS) and accession candidate countries (ACC) in identifying appropriate projects, forming research partnerships and project consortia, and benefiting from the EU funding opportunities to develop new technologies, products and applications in the areas of e-business and e-work.

» Free Software Guru Mr. Richard Stallman visits ARC Fund, On Tuesday, April 19th, 2005 Richard Stallman, founder and guru of the Free Software movement visited ARC Fund to meet with representatives from academia, private business, the Bulgarian Association for Information Technologies and other NGOs. Mr. Stallman gave a special informal talk on the four freedoms of software, the implications for education, and called for civil activism to support free software development, diffusion and usage.

» European IST - International Consortium Helps Research Organizations Access EU Funds, On January 20-21, 2005 representatives of 11 organizations from 8 European countries participated in the kick-off meeting of the European IST project which took place in Bucharest, Romania. The first working meeting of the European IST consortium was hosted by the project coordinator – the Romanian company FIMAN Development Services. Bulgaria was represented by ARC Fund and Basscom - the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies.

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems