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GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries – Session 5
On March 23, 2004 the Center for the Study of Democracy organized the final fifth video-conference of the GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries. The session focused on state capture and corporate governance. Dr. Muris Cicic , Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Sarajevo, presented the experience of Bosnia in applying good governance projects. Ms. Lidija Barthus-Vasiljevic from TV Studio B in Belgrade talked about the role of the Serb media to ensure more accountable and social responsible business behavior. Ms. Nil Sismanyazici Navaie described the experience of the public and private sector in Turkey in applying good corporate governance practices.

Mr. Djordjija B. Petkoski from the World Bank stressed that it is important for the young leaders to understand the principles of corporate governance and their importance for poverty alleviation and better investment climate. He emphasized the power of the private sector in securing economic growth and listed several direct and indirect effects the private sector can have on society. According to him competitiveness, corporate social responsibility and business ethics in corporate governance are strongly interrelated and they all could contribute to more positive social and economic outcomes.

The Turkish expert Ms. Nil Sismanyazici Navaie stressed on the increased responsibilities of the media and civil society to improving education services and health care quality in the process of globalization. In her opinion Turkey still aims to catch up because of the opportunities missed in the past. For example, the Turkish NGOs understand the importance of management structure, but they only started working on the introduction of good governance principals 3 or 4 years ago. That is why they still lack experience, skills and capacity. According to Dr. Cicic, Bosnia and Herzegovina need an improved legal framework in the field.

Mr. Daniel Kaufmann from the World Bank Institute presented the concept of State Capture and Inequity of Influence. He defined the term “state capture” as the phenomenon when the private sector is using illicit, non-transparent methods to take too much power over the Government. A law on lobbying is a good strategy to avoid state capture, Mr. Kaufmann pointed out, answering a question of a Bulgarian participant. Other possible strategies are: ensuring transparency in business trough e-governance and free data access; reduce state regulatory burden on firms; public policy focus on creating incentives for the business to prevent state capture.

Governance for Young Leaders: Understanding Corporate Governance, presentation by Djordjija Petkoski, World Bank Group
GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries – Session 1
GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries – Session 2
GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries – Session 3
GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries – Session 4
Good Governance for Young Leaders Website
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Agenda of the GDLN Dialogue Series on Governance for Young Leaders in Eastern European Countries (January – March 2004)
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