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V. Projects Pool



In January 2008 IRC–Bulgaria won, together with 12 other partnering organisations, the European Commission’s bid for launching the Enterprise Europe Network in Bulgaria(EEN–Bulgaria).


In 2008 ARC Fund completed the development of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) for the South-West Planning Region of Bulgaria.


A pan-European initiative which supports evidence-based policy making and aims to contribute to the realization of the European Research Area (ERA). It provides structured and comprehensive information on national and regional research policies, actors, organizations and programmes.


Involves partners from seven European countries: Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria, coordinated by the Danish Board of Technology. CIVISTI is designed to give the citizens from these countries an opportunity to define and communicate their visions of public policies, and transform these into relevant long-term scientific, technological and innovation issues.


FutureFood6 was focused on the whole value chain of the agri-food industry of Central and South-Eastern Europe. It brought into a network more than 500 experts and stakeholders in the agri-food domain across six countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, who discussed the future of the agri-food industry by 2020.

Transport (Star-Net)

The strategic objective of this initiative is to provide the first steps in creating a consolidated structure for support of SMEs in Europe for participation in Sustainable Surface Transportactivities, building on the knowledge, tools and services stemming from relevant Sixth Framework Programme support actions implemented over the recent years.

Tourism (TOUREG)

The initiative aims at establishing a mechanism allowing SMEs a greater access to knowledge about tourism-related R&D and innovations, supporting the diffusion of best practices and knowledge about R&D and innovations, and the fruitful exchange of experience between the participating regions and countries. The strategic objective is to create a research-driven cluster at international level, structured around the consortium of European partners created in the framework of this initiative. The project will result in elaborating a Technology Map of the existing innovative technologies in the tourism sector in the partnering regions.


The Gender Balance in Engineering, Science and Technology (WENETT)

Despite a wealth of initiatives focused on gender issues at both the EU level and at Member States level, women in general are significantly under-represented in the areas of research, science and engineering. Thus, even today the European research and innovation systems continue to suffer unacceptable gender imbalance, which is both a matter of social exclusion and a severe waste of valuable human resources. The same counts for the majority of the academic fields, most of which are characterized as male as opposed to others considered less “scientific” (e.g. languages, pedagogy) which characterized as “female”. The WENETT projects aims at promoting the image and successes of women scientists and entrepreneurs.

Increasing the small and micro-enterprises’ own potential for trans-national technology transfer (ISOPTT )

In the framework of this FP7 project,ARC Fund established a broad network of Bulgarian small and micro-enterprises (SmEs) which were engaged in capacity building seminars on issues ranging from clustering, globalisation and internationalisation, intellectual property, financing, competitive intelligence and information retrieval.

OpenTTT: Open source Partnership for Enterprises and Network of developers aiming at Transnational Technology Transfer

OPEN TTT is a EU-funded project that aims at bridging the separate worlds of technology transfer and open source software ( OSS), by introducing novel methodologies for helping companies in the uptake of technology and innovation, and leveraging the peculiarities of the open access model. The approach is based on the creation of mini-clusters, interest-driven group of SMEs, and the matching of suitable open source software adapted to the cluster needs. The project covers four thematic areas: Logistics & Transport, Industrial production, Energy & environment and Public Administrations. In these areas, suitable open source software were examined and assessed, and a mediation was created between companies interested in its use and software developers or commercial entities that provide suitable support.

Helping media SMEs innovate (MediaTrans)

In a consortium with partners from Germany, UK, Poland and India, ARC Fund participated in the development of a new approach to enhance the readiness of SMEs in the industrial sector of media to participate in European emerging and future RTD (Research and Technological Development) activities and programmes.


The initiative intends to create, animate and manage a network of experienced ICT organizations from several European countries to share experiences and knowledge on ICT actions and services for SMEs. The network will offer services in support of European SMEs with a particular focus on promoting wide and fast uptake of innovative solutions in microelectronic components, micro-systems and embedded systems.

Safenet BG

ARC Fund is co-ordinating the national Safer Internet Combined Node (Hotline and Awareness node) under the Safer Internet plus Programme of the European Commission.

Real and Virtual Violence: Prevention through Discourse and Education in Schools

With the support of the Sofia Municipality more than 6,000 pupils in 12 schools in Sofia were involved in the interactive educational coursetaught by educators trained by ARC Fund and Association Roditeli (Parents). The project is co-financed by the Swiss Oak Foundation.

E-Municipalities in Southeast Europe – Informing Effective Policy Making and Implementation Design

The project aimed to inform policy making based on comparative research and pave the way for successful cooperation between civil society organizations and municipalities in Southeast Europe in the area of ICT policy making, design and implementation. The project is financed by the Local Government Initiative – Open Society Institute – Budapest.

The Impact of Global Relocation of Information Technology Production on the Transfer of Knowledge, Innovation and R&D Spillovers in and out of Bulgarian and Vietnamese ICT Industries: What Other Factors Matter?

The project aims to conduct comparative research on Bulgarian and Vietnamese ICT markets and their shapers and drivers, and to identify potential companies in niche sectors suitable for research or commercial cooperation between the two countries. The project is funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science.

Ecabit network development to sustainability 2010 (ECABIT 2010)

The project aims to institutionalize the Eastern European and Central Asian Business Incubators and Technology Parks Network , hold the annual conference of the network, establish an effective organizational structure and propose pilot projects. The project is funded by the InfoDev Program of the World Bank.

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