«January 2005»
[ 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 ]

16.06.2005 - 17.06.2005 - Training seminars for IST companies under the GET-IN project on June 16-17, 2005 in Sofia
On June 16-17, 2005 ARC Fund as partner organization in the GET-IN project organized a training sessions for SMEs aimed at encouraging and facilitating their participation in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, and its IST Thematic Priority in particular.  more »

31.05.2005 - 01.06.2005 - The European IST Consortium Organized a Training Seminar for Bulgarian researchers and IST companies on May 31 - June 1, 2005 in Sofia
On May 31 and June 1, 2005 ARC Fund, as partner organization in the European IST project together with BASSCOM, the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, organized the first series of training sessions for research organizations and IST companies in Bulgaria, aimed at encouraging and facilitating their participation in the IST Thematic Priority of the 6th Framework Program (FP6) of the European Commission.  more »

20.05.2005 - 21.05.2005 - Brokerage Day for IST companies and research organizations in Brasov, Romania
The European IST consortium organized a Brokerage Day for companies and research organizations willing to participate in the upcoming 5th IST Call under FP6 in Brasov (Romania) on May 20-21, 2005  more »

26.04.2005 - 10.05.2005 - E-Democracy 2017: An Essay Writing Contest Launched by Bulgaria Development Gateway
The Bulgaria Development Gateway has awarded the winning prizes in its second online essay writing contest dedicated to the topic of “E-Democracy 2017: Challenges to Political Parties and Civil Society”. The contest was organized jointly with the Coordination Center on ICT and the Information Centre of the Council of Europe in Sofia, and took place under the auspices of the Minister of Public Administration, Mr. Dimitar Kalchev.  more »

05.04.2005 - 06.04.2005 - International Training Seminar on the IST Priority of the 6th Framework Programme
On April 5-6 2005 in Sofia the Information Society and Media Directorate General of the European Commission (EC) and the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport and Communications jointly organized a training seminar on “The Project Cycle: Technological, Administrative, Financial and Juridical Aspects of the FP6/IST Projects Preparation and Completion”. ARC Fund was one of the co-organizers of this event.  more »

22.03.2005 - 24.03.2005 - The 4th World Bank Knowledge Economy Forum Looked at the "Business Environment and Knowledge for Private Sector Growth"
The fourth annual Knowledge Economy Forum was organized by the World Bank and the Government of Turkey in Istanbul from March 22-24, 2005. The theme of this year’s forum was "Business Environment and Knowledge for Private Sector Growth". The Forum continued a succession of events held in Paris (in 2002), Helsinki (in 2003) and Budapest (in 2004). Bulgaria was represented at the Istanbul Forum by a delegation of government officials and representatives of the private and NGO sectors.  more »

15.03.2005 - Anti-Spam Legislation Discussed at a Round Table on March 15, 2004
On March 15, 2005 at the Information Society Promotion Office ARC Fund, jointly with the Law Program of the Center for the Study of Democracy, organized a round table discussion on the legislative aspects of combating unsolicited communications for direct marketing purposes, aka as "spam", in Bulgaria.  more »

10.03.2005 - IRC Future Match 2005 - a Brokerage Event in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) during CeBIT 2005, March 10-12, 2005
On the occasion of CeBIT 2005, the world's leading fair for information and communication technologies, the Innovation Relay Centre IRC-Bulgaria - being a partner to the ICT Thematic Group of the IRC Network - organized the IRC Future Match brokerage event.  more »

15.02.2005 - 15.02.2005 - Sector Meeting of Information and Communication Technologies Companies and IST Information Day
ARC Fund, the host organization of the e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office and Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria, organized jointly with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Web Gate Ltd. a sectoral meeting for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) companies and an Information Day to boost Bulgarian companies' and research organizations' participation into the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), “Information Society Technologies” priority. The event took place on February 15, 2005 .  more »

08.02.2005 - Safer Internet Day Celebrated across Europe and Beyond
In an effort to promote a safer Internet for all of its users, especially young people, Insafe (the European network of national Internet safety awareness nodes) organized the Safer Internet Day on February 8, 2005. More than 50 organisations in 27 countries across the world from Australia to Iceland, from Russia to Singapore, took part. ARC Fund and the Ministry of Transport and Communications joined in the celebrations in Bulgaria.  more »

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems