In Focus - Archive

» Financial Instruments, Programs and Initiatives in Support of Information Society (in Bulgarian), This publication, which is part of a series of educational brochures released by ARC Fund in 2001, is a quick reference guide to the European Union's research programs and other funding schemes in support of information society projects and initiatives.

» Innovation Policies of the Federal Republic of Germany (in Bulgarian), Germany has decided to support its economy and society in the global competition on their way to the new millennium. The main objective is to increase the innovative power of German enterprises, the innovation readiness of German society and the ability to tak on responsibility. Such a concept ensures sustainable competitiveness and effectiveness which, on their side, create greater employment.

» High-level Launching Policy RIS Conference, On November 30, 2001 ARC Fund organized in Plovdiv a launching conference for introducing the RIS project. 140 personal invitations had been mailed to representatives of the state, regional and local administrations, universities and RTOs, NGOs, companies, and banks. Invitations had been also sent to the German and Greek embassies, and the Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria.

» Information Technologies against Corruption (in Bulgarian), The manual addresses the role of Information Technologies (IT) in public sector reform. It focuses on "the information age" and addresses the need for a comprehensive administrative reform agenda integrated with use of IT.

» An internet platform for partnership-building among civil society organizations in Southeast Europe, ARC Fund has launched a new portal site for civil society in the Balkan region - Southeast Europe Online. The project, supported by USAID, is the first attempt at creating an electronic community of NGOs, international donors, and other key players in the region's reconstruction and development programs.

» IRCs swing into action when the heat is on, For the second time, the Northern Swedish and Bulgarian IRCs have helped SMEs in their respective countries to come to a technology and commercial agreement. Techniques developed by the Swedish partner have helped the Bulgarian company cut production costs drastically, and may even have saved it from going out of business altogether.

» Information Society Technologies (in Bulgarian), This educational brochure published by ARC Fund’s Information Society Promotion Office in 2001 presents a concise overview of the key priorities underlying the European Union’s 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, and specifically its IST component.

» Successful Transnational Technology Transfer Concluded, In early September 2000 IRC – Bulgaria, using its database of client companies, determined 100 companies with a potential for technology cooperation and development, and contacted them by mail. As a result of the targeted mailing in October Ms. Kalina Miteva, the General Manager of Ludogorie 91, contacted the IRC. She explained the technology bottlenecks in the manufacturing process.

» Official Launch of the e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO) , On 14 June 2001, jointly with the Ministry of Transport and Communications, ARC Fund officially launched the Bulgarian Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO) - "eBulgaria". This operation is based on the concept of public-private partnership. It was conceived to support the development of an information society in the country by raising IT awareness amongst the general public, industry, public administration, NGOs and academic institutions, and by fostering the spread of e-business applications among Bulgarian SMEs.

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems